Our Mission
Long Branch, with its many locally-owned eateries and shops and dazzling public art, is already a great place. Our mission is to make it even better — more jobs, greater opportunities, more cultural events, public art and public places.
Long Branch, located smack between busy downtown Silver Spring and charming Takoma Park, has a distinctive family-friendly feel all of its own.
We business owners who work in Long Branch may have arrived here from all across the globe, but we all ‘smile in the same language’ (though the line may be borrowed from a classic rock song, it is true all the same).

The Business League
For over ten years The Long Branch Business League has been the voice of Long Branch business.
The Business League offers a variety of services, privileges and grants to member businesses. It also promotes festivals, public art, murals, and a spirit of creativity that enliven Long Branch as a whole.
So do yourself and your community a favor by joining the Business League now!
Benefits include:
- Priority access to marketing support
- Priority access to grants for signage and facade improvements
- Greater visibility on DiscoverLongBranch.com and other social media platforms
- Sponsorship-level recognition at events such as the 5K Race and festivals
- A warm, fuzzy feeling inside!
Join Us!
Interested in joining the business league?